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Picture of Dorian Gray

Picture of Dorian Gray

Published: 1 Jul 2014

Paperback / softback, 64 pages

By Oscar Wilde

Illustrated by Kevin Hopgood

Published by Real Reads

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Young, rich and handsome, Dorian Gray seems to have it all. So why do people who were once his friends, leave the room when he enters? Can there really be any truth in the dark tales that are told about him? And just why does he keep his portrait locked away in an attic room?

Real Reads are retellings of great literature from around the world, each fitted into a 64-page book. Our books make classic stories, dramas and histories available to intelligent young readers as a bridge to the full texts, to language students wanting access to other cultures, and to adult readers who are unlikely ever to read the original versions. 

The Real Reads series

Robinson Crusoe
Study in Scarlet
Tale of Two Cities